WALIS is a proprietary state-of-the-art Warehousing, Accounting and Logistics Inventory Solution that provides clients with real-time “situational awareness” of all material in their supply chain. WALIS provides continuous tracking for all aspects of the supply chain from date of contract award through product delivery through an easy-to-use, streamlined solution that provides an extensible framework for future development.
WALIS gives client planners, operators, and leadership unparalleled situational awareness to their supply chain operations, delivering detailed reporting and analysis throughout the product life cycle to all levels of an organization.
In addition to tracking inbound and outbound cargo, WALIS assists the client’s transportation officers in building manifests and packing lists, as it captures Hazard Class, NEW, Pallet Dimensions, and Weights – a full service software solution.
Use the contact page or give us a call to request further information or an in-person briefing.